About Waboba
They have had lots of questions on the origin of the Waboba Ball, so they shall try to give you a short version of the long story. The inventor of the ball and game is a Swede, Jan von Heland. It all started when he threw a Frisbee upside down in a pool and made it bounce on the surface. He realized the novelty it would be to use the water surface when playing games. He began testing different shapes and materials that could bounce on water. One summer day in 1998 he discovered that a ball could bounce fairly well on water if it had the right relation in density and softness. But it took many more years and lots of calculations and tests before he had narrowed down the prescription of a ball that could bounce on water well enough to start looking for producers. He found a reliable and professional producer and started developing the first version of a Waboba Ball. When tested it sank immediately. The rest of the story is just about getting the "recipe" of the first test ball right, setting up a business, getting international patent rights etc. The story is still developing with new great distributors and partners, new and better versions of the ball, new markets and most of all, more people having fun with waboba on the beaches of the world.There are no products matching the selection.