Studying at university takes up a lot of time and energy. Students face lots of issues every term, which could lead to anxiety and stress. Therefore, sometimes, they desperately need a bit of help to keep up with all classes and assignments.
Does this sound like you? You are not alone there, but we’ve got you covered!
Modern students are lucky to have so many great tools that make studying more productive and simple. However, choosing the right tools can also be quite challenging since there are just too many of them. If you are feeling lost in a huge variety of options, our list of the top 7 most helpful mobile apps for students should help you to make the right choices!
Creating citations is not only annoying but also quite challenging. Most students have troubles citing their sources. Luckily, today, students have a whole bunch of services that make citing resources quick and painless. And RefMe is the best one! Unlike other similar applications, it requires minimum actions from your side. This free app scans a book’s barcode with the help of a phone’s camera and then quickly generates citations in the required format.
Dragon Dictation
All students are familiar with having to write numerous papers and notes. This is something you just can’t avoid, but have you ever thought of how much time you are wasting typing numerous texts? In a matter of fact, typing can take too much time, not to mention the damage it can cause to your wrists and eyes. However, there is a simple solution! Dragon Dictation is a free application for iOS that makes homework easy. The idea is simple – you can make a recording of pretty much anything from lectures to essays, and this tool will transform the voice into a text.
This application is the best choice for art and design students. However, it will also come in handy to other students. It makes creating designs on the go fast and effortless. How can one make the most use of it? Studying in university, students are often assigned to complete different projects and presentations. That’s exactly when Canva will be of the most help! This application allows users to create beautiful designs, presentations, and documents in a fun and easy way. Thus, we believe that each of you should at least give it a try. After all, it is just a very fun app to use.
This is one of the students’ most favourite apps for creating organising and managing notes. This smart tool allows users to create detailed notes with audios, links, checklists, attachments, and other elements. It also makes it really simple to organize all notes by subjects, priority, and other factors. One more benefit of Evernote is a possibility to synchronize your notes across multiple devices and access them from anywhere. Are you a serious note taker? Why not look at investing in a Rocketbook Reusable Smart Notebook – it’ll be the last notebook you ever need and connects to all your favourite cloud services via the Rocketbook app.
Fans of reading will definitely find this application very helpful. Goodreads has one of the largest databases of books available today. Inside this application, there are more than 2.2 billion books. Thus, students can find great materials on any topics, from classic to modern pieces. One more benefit of this application is that it contains many helpful recommendations and reading lists left by other users. Therefore, if you enjoy reading and love discovering new authors, this is a must-have app for you.
Our last, but definitely not the least handy pick of students’ applications is GoConqr. This app makes studying fun and simple by giving students access to many excellent learning tools like quizzes, mind maps, slides, notes, and flashcards. It is a free tool available for most operating systems. It will come especially in handy when preparing for exams and tests. Besides, it supports shared learning, which means that users can collaborate with each other on different projects and study even more effectively.
Being a student becomes easier with modern technology and a variety of smart and versatile tools. The apps listed above are the best ones to opt for while studying, so we recommend each of you to use them to be your most productive and successful self!
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Author Bio: Gary Blaisdell is a Marketing Manager who enjoys content writing and researching.