Gaming is fun. You can’t deny it. A games night with your friends, over a few beers, can help you unwind, and can be enormous fun. However, basically nobody suggests that gaming is healthy, or that it could be good for you. However, there is a growing body of research that suggests that this is the case.

Studies from reputable sources, such as the National Institute of Health, have found strong evidence to suggest that gaming can improve your cognitive health, and help you to recuperate after having an accident. One particular study, conducted on volunteers who played Mario 64, found that gaming could have amazing effects on health: it could improve motor skills, make your spatial awareness sharper, increase your ability to plan, and improve your memory. These amazing claims have been investigated in various studies and have been upheld.

Though obviously we cannot claim that gaming is a panacea to solve all of your problems, it can have marvellous effects on your health and wellbeing. Other studies have found that it can reduce pain and increase general health, minimize the effects of trauma, and may even develop literacy skills. Clearly the moral of the story is ‘plug-in and play’.

For more information on this, check out the infographic below provided by our friends over at Computer Planet.


Marcus is the community and content manager at computerplanet.co.uk who design and build custom gaming PC’s, CAD workstations and desktop computers.

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      Kind regards,


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