How to Set Your Google Data to Self-Destruct
When it comes to data collection or even adhering to the fundamental principles of privacy, tech giant Google hasn’t always had the best ...
How to Stay Safe Using Smart Devices
Are you sure that your Alexa isn’t listening to you right now? A seemingly helpful smart device for your home may be recording ...
How to Secure Your Mobile Phone
Mobile devices have become an integral part of your everyday life, with Statista estimating that around 94% of adults living in the UK ...
Is Your Smartphone Listening to You?
Have you ever had a conversation with someone, to then find ads popping up on your phone straight afterwards to do with that ...
How To Keep Your Contactless Cards Safe
As the popularity of contactless and mobile payments continues to rapidly increase, official data reveals that 1 in 10 adults in the UK ...
How To Protect Your Car From Keyless Theft
According to The Association of British Insurers (ABI), £376m was paid out by its members last year following 56,000 vehicles being stolen. A ...
How to Secure Your Webcam
A webcam is a digital camera that is connected to a computer and allows users to send a live picture from any location ...
Home Security Camera: The Do’s and Don’ts to Stay Protected
Home security cameras are a great way for homeowners to remotely monitor their home at any given time. They provide an instant and effective ...
How to
How to Protect Your Identity Offline
Cyberattacks and phishing scams are everywhere nowadays. They’re a constant reminder of the threat posed by unscrupulous hackers who, given the chance, will ...
RFID Blocking: What is it?
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification Devices. Today they are found in passports and credit cards as wafer-thin chips to help speed up ...